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From Fast to Last: The Rise of Slow Fashion

Stepping into Slow Fashion is like entering a haven where style meets sustainability. 

It’s a deliberate shift from fast fashion’s constant churn, urging us to reflect on our clothing choices. 

Beyond a mere wardrobe update, Slow Fashion prompts a thoughtful approach—considering the craftsmanship, materials, and environmental impact. 

rosemallee Mάιρα βούλτσου maira voultsou blog αργή μόδα slow fashion

It’s a break from the disposable fashion cycle, advocating for a timeless wardrobe that aligns with our values.

In this movement, fashion becomes a conscious, meaningful choice, fostering a deeper connection with the clothes we wear and the world we inhabit.

We live in a fast-paced era where everything moves at an incredibly fast speed, and everything must be done quickly without wasting time. 

Our shopping habits have also been affected by this. Thanks to smartphones and apps, we can now buy clothes with the touch of a button. 

We purchase cheap products that only last for a season so that we can look fashionable and follow trends; however, we don’t question the impact this shopping behavior has on the planet and the climate. 

In fact, the fashion industry is the second most polluting industry in the world.

The question is, can we change this behavior? 

rosemallee Mάιρα βούλτσου maira voultsou blog αργή μόδα slow fashion



“Search for quality instead of quantity”

The slow fashion movement encourages us to focus on more sustainable and conscious choices.

The essence of slow fashion lies in prioritizing quality over quantity.

Instead of purchasing cheap clothes that quickly deteriorate and fade, we prefer to invest in high-quality pieces that will stay with us for many years.

This approach enables us to discover the value of timeless and classic style that doesn’t become outdated over time.

In addition, slow fashion provides us with an opportunity to be more environmentally responsible.

We avoid the demand for new collections within excessively short periods and focus on natural and eco-friendly materials.


This way, we can enjoy fashion without causing harm to the environment and contribute to preserving nature for future generations.

The slow fashion movement aims to draw our attention back to responsible consumption, so that we can be more informed and aware.

The movement strives to create an industry that benefits the planet and all people.

Did you know…


The production of clothing for each citizen of Europe requires 9 cubic meters of water, 400 square meters of land, and 391 grams of raw materials, leading to the release of approximately 270 grams of carbon dioxide emissions.


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“Learn this too.”


Every year, each European buys 26 kilograms of clothes and textiles, out of which 73% or approximately 11 kilograms per person are imported and non-recyclable, ending up in landfills.



“The fast fashion market is expected to grow from $106.42 billion in 2022 to $122.98 billion in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate of 15.6%. 

Globally, approximately 100 billion pieces of clothing are produced each year, and in the United States alone, over 15 million tons of fabric are produced.

“How to practice slow fashion?”


Let’s change the world!

Avoid fast fashion companies, especially those promoting greenwashing (companies that claim to be sustainable but actually aren’t).

Instead, invest in quality, durable clothing. Look for pieces that are well-made and will last longer.

Opt for timeless designs over seasonal trends.

Before purchasing something, think carefully and avoid impulse purchases.

Support small businesses by buying from local stores, designers, and stores promoting the local economy while reducing transportation.

It’s not a small matter.


The challenge we face is to incorporate this philosophy into our daily lives. 

Let’s strive for a new approach to fashion

Let’s choose clothing that reflects our personal evolution and seeks timeless elegance.

Slow fashion is a statement not only about style but also about conscious consumption.

Embracing slow fashion is an invitation to redefine our relationship with clothing, to invest in pieces that withstand the test of time, and to make a statement about our commitment to both personal style and sustainable choices.